Monday, October 18, 2010

Part V A Short History of App Inventor.

The Birth of an Android Application
An Android Application is a program that can run on an Android powered Cell Phone or Tablet Computer.  An Application usually offers one or more “things” that a user can do with or to the application. For example an Android Application might allow a cellphone user to pre-set a message to be texted to any incoming SMS text messages.
There are several levels of functionality that an Android power device can have. The core operating system levels of functionality include creating the image you see on the display, interpreting user input and connecting to various wireless networks. The next level up is the “pre-installed” functionality usually in the form of Apps specially developed by Google to provide a base level of interaction and functionality. These include functionality like contact management, email inbox management, Camera and Clock/Alarm functions.
The next level of Apps are those apps developed by the handset manufacturer or carrier that provide different levels of beneficial or hair pullingly irritating functionality. Sometimes the applications from Manufacturers and Google cannot be removed or changed unless the developer is releasing a new version or an upgrade. Although Android is open in nature, many carriers and handset hardware manufacturers are not. The very openness of Android sometimes bites us when the carrier or manufacturer decides to implement draconian or unfriendly restrictions on applications or capability. Consumers need to be aware of the fact that although Google encourages free thinking and innovation with Android, carriers are not required to be as encouraging. Research a prospective device before purchasing and make sure that your device hasn’t had core functionality such as the ability to load non-market apps removed.
The next level of Apps is those that a user downloads from the Android Market that is available on all sanctioned Android devices. The Android Market has close to 100,000 applications in it some of which are of incredibly high quality. Others seem to have been brainstormed up in an illegal state of mind and programmed by Paleolithic high school dropouts.  They allow Android users to do everything from make disturbing biological noises to track dangerous drug interactions. Many people see the low quality of some of the applications in the Android Market as an argument against the Openness of Android. The simple truth is that freedom includes the freedom to be really bad. The Applications in the Android Market can be installed and uninstalled whenever the user likes. Google provides a framework for payment, refund and licensing.
There is a new fourth level of apps on Android devices with the introduction of AppInventor from Google. These are Apps that the users themselves have created based on their desire or need. The journey from a user’s dream or vision to that app running on their smartphone is an incredibly easy path.  How easy? To answer that question let’s look at how an Android App typically is created next time.
Twitter: @jwtyler

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